It’s gonna be a podcast

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Okay, I am ready. I know what’s next. I’ll launch a podcast about how people build software at different companies. Here is my very rough landing page. Don’t forget to subscribe if you dig it.

The mic suits me, right?

For the last few months, I have been playing around with different ideas. I was searching, I was experimenting, I was a bit lost.

Mostly because I knew what my passion is, but, I did not know how to build a business around it. And honestly, I still don’t know.
But this won’t stop me from following my heart. After some reflection on what success means to me, I realized that it isn’t about the money.

So, I take another leap of faith and start yet another adventure that won’t make me any money soon. But, my heart says it is the right thing to do.

My passion is to analyze software engineering practices and to improve and to build tools

That doesn’t sound smooth. Good that this isn’t a pitch.

Well, the last few years, I helped teams understand, analyze and improve their software engineering processes, practices, and tools at Microsoft.

I love it. And I want to do something similar in my entrepreneurial life.

A continuation (in a different form) will be my podcast. There, I’ll talk with different people about how they build software and analyze with them what works and what doesn’t.

Why not YouTube, you ask

Good questions. Didn’t I say I want to start a YouTube channel? I actually still plan to start a YouTube channel about software engineering. But experimenting with my HustleUp YouTube channel, I realized that I am not yet experienced enough to really leverage the video format.

So, I’ll keep experimenting with my HustleUp channel. But for now, I’ll go full speed to make this podcast become a reality.

My Podcast Journey

Over the next few weeks, I’ll report on each of the steps I take to make this a reality. If that’s something you are interested in, don’t forget to subscribe to my blog.

I feel relieved

I really feel relieved. I feel like coming home. After months of so much confusion about which direction should I go. This feels good. This feels authentic. This feels like it can grow into my personal passion business.

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