30 Days of Growth Challenge

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30 days of growths challenge
Super thrilled to be part of the 30 days of growth challenges.

I follow the call to action from Rosie from the Indie Hackers and participate in the 30 Days of Growth Challenge. As some of you know, for almost 6 months, I am on a quest to turn passion into a business.

After some evaluation, I selected two passion projects of mine. First, I want to grow the number of monthly visitors to my personal blog on software engineering (SE Blog). In addition, I want to grow my Twitter following as well. Growing these two will be my main goal. As a side effect, I want to grow my second project: this HustleUp Blog.

Don’t forget to sign-up to my newsletter to stay up to date with my progress. And, you know, I share quite a few exclusive and otherwise secrete details with my subscribers 😉 So, hop on to my mailing list:

Software Engineering Blog

Goal & Snapshot:

Increase the number of daily/monthly visits from 6K to 8K
Monthly visitors is a tricky one, as I had a viral blog post in May. The monthly visitor number is therefore unusually high > 35k. In contrast, in April I had 2k visitors. The current estimate is 6K for June. I’d like to hit 8K. That would be a >30% growth rate.

Increase the number of newsletter subscribers from 478 to 600.

Increase the number of Twitter followers from 875 to 975


To grow my site, I plan on continuing my current strategy which is:

  • writing at least one blog post per week, syndicating the content on various other websites and to talk about it on social media.
  • in addition, I will learn what other indie hackers are doing and add that to my growth portfolio.

To grow my email list:

  • I’ll work on another treat for my subscribers
  • I’ll learn what other indie hackers are doing and add suitable ideas to my growth portfolio

To grow Twitter:

  • I’ll keep engaging as I currently do in Twitter
  • I’ll analyze a few inspiring Twitter profiles and learn from their strategies
  • I’ll learn from what other indie hackers are doing once again 🙂

Growing Hustle Up

This website is a purely recreational experiment. Still, I feel I should put in some love to make it more known. Therefore, a small portion of my growth efforts will go towards increasing the number of monthly visitors.

Goal & Snapshot:

Increase number of monthly visitors from 100-200 to 1K.

Also, I’d like to increase my newsletter subscribers from 15 to 50.


I’ll document my daily progress on this site and I plan to write a few retrospectives on my progress over the last few months. For the newsletter, I’ll prepare a little incentive. I’ll learn again from the indie hackers because I have no idea where I should/can sensibly promote such a personal blog 😉

Day #01:

👷‍♀️ What I did today:

SE Blog: Published a blog post on and promoted it on FB, FB Group and Twitter.

HustleUP Blog: Started the 30 days of growth challenges on this blog and mentioned it on Indie Hackers Website

Day #02:

SE Blog

✅ Published a blog post on and promoted it on FB, FB Group and Twitter.
🏆 Not much that I can directly link to my action.
👷‍♀️ Wrote a newsletter I am proud of and that got me 3 replies to within three hours. That’s great!
Worked on the next blog post
Wrote DMs to two inspiring people (that’s so out of my comfort zone, as I am rather shy)


✅ Started the 30 days of growth challenges on this blog and mentioned it on Indie Hackers Website
🏆 15 visitors on the website
👷‍♀️ worked on a new blog post

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